
My Read-a-Thon Goals

Hello my lovely readers!

Today’s 24 hour Read-a-Thon will be my first ever! I am extremely excited, even though I cannot participate for the full length of the 24 hours.  These goals may not be that much to some, but I find these reasonable for my expectations and I hope to have a good first Read-a-Thon.

a.) read a reasonable amount of books.

I have some books that I have greatly been looking forward to reading, and I hope to barrel through I good portion of them.  

b.) have a good time

tinker a little bit on the piano, read some books, have a quiet tea-filled day

c.) meet some other book readers

I have been reading for a greater portion of my life, and I have always enjoyed it.  That is why I have recently joined the book community of the internet, book blogs and booktubers.  As I am pretty new, I do not know that many people.  Might meet some new people?

d.) participate in challenges!

the read-a-thon blog offers some challenges, and I have participated in a greater portion of them.  A for effort right?

Good luck everyone!


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